Rey’s Pedigree
The first time I saw Mozart, Rey’s father, I had high expectations. After all, this dog is the son of the legendary Nolo Del Zagnis! To say that I wasn’t impressed is an understatement. This puppy already had the appearance of an experienced hunting dog. In the expert hands of Sébastien Guillemot, Mozart demonstrated his undeniable qualities as a hunter while maintaining the style unique to great dogs.
Isatis, Rey’s mother, is the best hunting dog that Sébastien has had to date. Sister of Isard de l’Écho des Montaines (titles: TR, CH GS, CH CS, CH IT, CH IB, CH IBT), she is a Championne Gibier Sauvage, just like Itwo, her other brother.
Rey is the product of the second marriage of Isatis and Mozart. The first litter was a success, so Sébastien was confident that he could do it again. He was not mistaken. I was able to follow two of Rey’s sisters on the Circuit Clochette in 2022, and these little ones demonstrated the same qualities as their Canadian sister.
Rey is the easiest dog I have had so far. Without being sensitive, she is very malleable and only seeks to please me. When hunting, it’s an all-inclusive package. I put her in the woods very young, and she instinctively knew what to do. Pointing, retrieving… I’ve never had to ask her, she does everything spontaneously. Forget the whistle, the collar, and all these gadgets. A bell around her neck, and you’re off to experience emotions that only the best British dogs can make you feel.